Full text: Christlyke Lyckpredige/ By der Begreffnisse Des Ehrwerdigen vnd Wolgelahrden Heren M. Detheri Mauritii Mindensis, Der Gemeine Gades in der Stadt Kiel in Holstein weylandt Pastoris ... welcker den 14. Decemb: Anno 1611. in synem 70. Jahre ... endtschlapen ... vnde herna den 20. Decembris Christlick thor Erden bestediget worden

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£ - cwJ«I3jj SSf " * 
~3it iir vir 'tb ^ $j " As «äx < & " «ix <i> " «ir ■ & • <i>~ $jr 
U^i >Jy J U^J <^5 U ? i < ? i i - >' * J ti'i ii> * J U / J u / j c^i <Ü~i 
VikiReverendi , Clariss , Et 
Docliß' . Dn . 
PRiEPOSITI CHILONIHNSIS Diocccfcos dignifsimi . 
Atalem , Augufti , revehantut fa ? pe , Calendar , Prrpofitocclebri Fatalcmqs Dcus , procul ( ah ) procul arccat anaum , & 
Sufficiat validas Huic fcnio vires , votis conccpimus omnes 
Queis pietatisamor . 
Intcgritas quidenim , do & rina , & puriorstas , 
Difficilc obtineant > 
Non potucrc tarnen produccrc fila fororum , 
Ncccumulare dies . 
#qualegeetenim fummos fortitur & . imos 
Mortis avara manus . 
Hanc legem fenfit multä Gravitate verendus , 
Necpietate minus , 
Prarpofitus nofter , noftcr Pater , ille popelli 
Fida columna fui . 
Ergo anima ? in coclis requiem , in terra , ore prccemur , Molliter oflacubent . 
M . Michael Sumius . 
TFXT iTsl 

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