Full text: Christiano-Albertinæ Inavgvratio

v5 " 
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1 f T , v . ■' «v • 
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. Concertantes 
. Quas 
Variis Vocibus & inftrumentis in Ad : u Inaugurationis , lufit Muficorum , Chorus . 
t ; i . 
rr ■ " 5 loni - m y 
. Compofitione 
Serenisfimi ac Celfisfimi 
Capellae Magiftri 
Idcircö huic Operi infertse , & literis , E . F , G . H . I . K . diftinctae , quod earum fuavitas peregrinam quoque mereatur gratiam : atque prcefenti rerum Defcriptione , frequens inter - cedat mentio , & moria . 

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