62 MedicinaStatica . Sedi . I .
tional Impulfe of the circulating Fluids : Whereas by the latter , what goes away is only a very fine thoroughly digefted Matter , which rifes through the Skin like a Vapour , or Steam , without any manner of Difficulty or Difturbance to the Body .
" If without the Force of Exercife the Weight de - " crcafes , and the Strength decay , it is becaufe there " is not a Supply of Nouriihmcnt in Proportion fuf - " ficient to recruit what is wafted .
Explanation . ] From the neceflary A ¿lions of the Mufcics in the Performance only of the vital Fun - étions , both the VeiTcls will be fo much wore away themfclvcs , by the Attritions of their circulating Juices , and fome Parts of the Juices fo much broke , as to make it neceflary that there fhould be a nual Supply ; which , if it be not anfwcrable to fuch a Lofs , there cannot but follow a Defc & ion both in the Weight and Strength of the Body .
" There are but three Ways only by which a Body " can grow weaker - , the one is , when its Bulk in - " crcafes without any Decay of Spirits : Another " when the Spirits fink , and the Body keeps to its " ufual Standard * , and the other , when both Spirits " and Bulk decay together .
Explanation . ' ] The Whole of this appears from what has been faid before , Explan . Jipbor . xxviii . The Weight of the Body is always to be taken relatively ; and therefore in what State foever the Spirits bear lefs Proportion to the prefent Weight than before , the Body is properly faid thereby to come heavier : And 'tis to be underftood , with regard Co the fame Diftinttion , when 'tis faid to be weaker .
A P H .