Full text: Medicina Statica

ever fail , if joined with a fuitable Way of Living in all other Rcfpe & s of eradicating the moil obilinate Lues that was ever met with . 
Although as to the Method of Living in particular , I conceive much more may be done by foftening tritive Diet than is commonly imagined , as alio by Medicines of the fame Intentions , and thofe ly termed Emollients and Balfamicks - , becaufe they not only fill up the Habit with necefiary Subitanee , but guard alfo the Solids very much againil the Depra - dations and Acrimony of the tainted Humours , inib - much as fometimes quite to get the better of it . And in this Refpedl I alio am jealous , that the common Methods ot Salivation and rough Cartbarticks do not only fail of Cure , but alfo occafion great Mifchiefs , becaufe they rob the Conftitution of its beft Defence againil the D idem per , a foft balfamick Blood , and leave it afterwards much more expofed to a mercileis Tormentor - , whence infallibly alfo comes on an curable Heétick . 
The fubjoining any particular Forms of Prefcripti - on can in this Refpeót be of little Service , becaufe the almoit infinite Variety of Circumftanccs both of the Patient and the Difeale make fome fmall Variations fo frequently necelTary , that a careful and judicious Phyfician only can be truiled to fuit them to the fevc - ral Exigences that may occur in Pra & ice . And as here I would by no Means be thought to encourage either Empi ricks , or Patients themfelves to meddle beyond their Reach - , fo I conceive thus much necefiary to an - fwer the Ends intended , of fuggeiling only fuch Hints to thofe of Skill and Penetration as may conduce to a more efficacious Management of thefe obilinate Dif - tempers than feems heretofore to have been praétifed . 

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