Full text: Medicina Statica

venereal Poifon or the diftemperM Humours may be imagined to come by its noxious Qualities , and of what kind foevcr it may be conceited from die ner of its Propagation , it can be regarded no other - wife when it is phyfically confidered , but under the fame Modifications and the fame fenfible Properties as other hot , fharp , corrofive Humours , which in like Manner deftroy the Textures of the Parts upon which they fettle , and carry Pains and Tortures with them through the whole Habit . The venereal Taint then in this Condition is not to be baffled with fichi and Arcana , to whole Properties and Operations we are Strangers , but to be managed by Things we arc acquainted with , and whole mechanical Affections we know are fitted to dellroy thofe noxious Qualities in the peccant Juices . 
As this Difeafe therefore at this Height comes der the fame Conliderations as thofe mentioned in three foregoing Ejjays ; and fince they differ Irom one another but in lome lefi'er Circumftances that fits the offending Humours to fettle rather on one Part than another , altho' it is in all much of the fame Nature , the Patients of each kind require much the fame Management . Yet thus far indeed may be faid in Compliment to Arthriticks , that they generally derive the Evil from lefs criminal Caufes , and that the cant Humours in them are in a much lower Degree noxious , and much lefs communicable , if ever , to others . 
In all thele Cafes then , where the Glands are fluffed with , and eroded by , a l'aline hot , irritating Humour , the Means of Remedy common to all , are in the firll Place a Diet and way of Living as keeps up the gour of Digeition , and as much as is confident with , foftens and fmooths the animal Fluids - , andas for reaching the morbid Matter , fo as to deftroy it in its hurtful Qualities , or extirpate it quite out of the Body , Medicines are to be ulcd of more or Ieis 2 more

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