Full text: Medicina Statica

Parts which have already run into preternatural Co - hefions , arc , as by the Volatile Alcali's before fpokci of , and oftner ( truck upon , and thruft forward , til by fomc Out - let or other , they are expelled the whole Mafs . 
i • * i • 
On the 17laßicity of an Animal Fibre 
IT has been already proved in the Introduction , that a human Body , as it comes under the ces of a Phyfician , is meerly a Machine , and that whofoever goes any other Way to enquire into its Conftitution , with regard to its Make , and the Regulation of its Diforders , abufes his Faculties , and leaves the only Means to which his Maker has fitted him , of receiving any fatisfa & ory ledge therein . Confidering it therefore in this View , it very naturally comes to be divided into Solids and Fluids : The Solids are vafcular , and have tinually propelled through them fome Liquor or other neceflary for the Purpofes of the Machine . And thefe circulating Fluids are of different Kinds , refulting from the different Agitations and ties impreffed upon them by the Veffels , which culate them . And in this View they have a necef - fary Dépendance one upon another , that the Diftra - ¿tion and Power of Reftitution in the Veffels , is owing to their being duly moiftened by fome nient Fluid , feparated and difpenfed to them from the common Promptuary of all the animal Jilicçs , the Blood i as likewife does that due Conftitution of

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