Full text: Medicina Statica

20 Introduction . 
their Surfaces will cxpofc them to an unequal P ill rc or Rcfiftancc . For by the foremoit Point of the moving Body mud the Medium be divided , which recedes , upon its Impulfe , laterally ; but if from that foremoft Point of the moving Body , its Surface il retches out farther on one Side than on another , or comes nearer to a right Angle with the Line of Direction than the other , that is , than the oppofite Side does ; then it meets with a greater Stroke on that Side than on the other , and confequently is deflefted from its firit Direction that way where it meets with the lead Refinance , and thereby receives a new Direction , which likewife will again be loon chang'd by the fame Caufes . 
And thus we find a valt Divcrfity in the Circum - itances of Motion , meerly from the Diverfity of the Figures of moving Bodies ; but when we come to confider what the current Varieties both of Figures and Magnitudes can perform , the Determination and Eft'céts of their Motions will be found almoft nitely various , and furprize us to think what a tiplicity of Productions or Eftefts , arc deducible from fo few Principles . For whatfoevcr Virtues or Affeftions we find in any Bodies , after what manner foevcr they affect our Senfes , or feem to operate on one another , it mult be by the different cations of the Figures , Bulks , and Motions of their compotent Parts . And without an Impulfe , either by mediate or immediate Contaft , fufficient to excite a Motion or fonie Change from their former Pofi - tions , it is very manifeft , that two Bodies cannot have an Efieft or Influence upon one another ; but this Motion we likewife find is influenced by the Figures and Magnitudes of the moving Bodies - , and fore mult it necellarily follow , that whatever lities or Virtues any Bodies are endued with , or whatfocver Appearances they exhibit , they mult ginally

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