Full text: Medicina Statica

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of thofc Diameters that are perpendicular to the Lines of their Directions - , wherefore bccaufe the Hemifpherc contains ( by Suppofition ) as much ter as the Sphere , and consequently has fome ways a greater Breadth , or a larger Diameter , and other ways lefs than the Sphere , when it happens to move with its longed Diameter perpendicular to its rection , it cannot poflibly move with the fame locity us that of the Sphere , notwithftanding they are impelled by equal Powers , becauie it ftrikes a - gainft more Points of the Midlum at the lame time , and thereby undergoes the grcateft Retardation - , and if it happens to move with itsihorteft Diameter per - pendicular to irs Direction , then it would gain ground of the Sphere , by its not meeting with fo much Oppofition in its Progrcfs . And fo ing to every one's Figures and Pofitions to their Directions , would their Velocities be more or lefs retarded . 
In like manner will their Directions foon be varied , by the Difference of their Figures ; for the Sphere ( fuppofing the Refiftancc of the Medium to be form on all Sides , and likewife that the Sphere itfelf had no other Tendency but that way where the pelling Force had directed it ) would fly in a right Line until its motive Powers were wholly fpent ; but fince the Air , through which it is luppofed to move continually , weighs upon it , and prelTes it ward , and likewife that it hath in itfelf an tion different to the Line of its Direction , viz . wards the Earth , by the Influence and Concurrence of thefe two Powers , it muli : neceffarily defcribe a Curve Line , continually tending nearer the Earth , as its motive Powers decreafe upon the Refiftance of the Medium . But neither of the Bodies in the 1 " igures of a Cube or a Hemifpherc , will be able to defcribe fuch a Line , becaule the Inequality of 
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