Full text: Medicina Statica

Sedi . VII . Of the Affezioni of the Mind . 317 
good ; for intenfc Thought docs certainly either waile more Spirits , or prevent the Reception of new ones by too tenfe a ftate of the Solids ; all which amounts to the fame as to the Confequcnces , much more than can the moil violent Exercife , which common Experience can teftify by thofe who try both . 
A P H . XXXVI . 
" A Change of the Body , makes a more lading " Alteration of the Mind , than of the Body itfelf . 
Explanation . ' ] By this Change muft be underftood a gradual one , wherein the Mind has contracted very different Difpofitions , and in fuch a Cafe it is certain , that the Body muft be again changed before the Mind will be reduced to its wonted Temper , and therefore will its Deviation from a natural State be more laiting . 
" Paflions of the M ind , are converfant about in - " ternal Subjects , which move more than they arc " moved ; becaule they are , like the Semen , of great " Efficacy , although little in Bulk ; and according " to their Difpofitions , are the Caufes of Pcrfpira - " tion , or of Weight or Lightnels . 
Explanation . ' ] This is too Metaphyseal to be plained upon fuch Principles , as have herein been made ufe of . 
" Bodies which perfpire more than ufual , not by " Exercife , but by fome violent Paffion , are with " the greateft Difficulty brought to their wonted " healthful Perfpiration . 
Explanation . ]

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