16 Introduction .
Gold - , which Pans farther being cut as finali as pof - fible to be viewed by the naked Eye , as every Part has fome Gold upon it , fo it cannot but convince the Beholder , to what a prodigious Smallnefs of Parts it may be divided . Monfieur Robault , in his Pbyficks , Cap . ix . Part I . has computed with a great deal of Exa & nefs , into how many Parts any given tity may be divided ; as alfo hath Dr E dm . H alley , in the Pbilofopb . Tranfaft . No . 194 , done the fame . This wonderful Divilibility of Matter alfo very much appears in the Effluvia of odoriferous Bodies ; fo fmall a Quantity as a Grain Weight of fome of which , will emit fuch Plenty of Effluvia , and for a confiderable Time , with fuch little Waftc of itanee , as would be incredible , were it not fo dently confirmed by the Teftimonyofour Senfes . For it is on all Hands agreed , that what ftrikes the Senfes from an oderiferous Body , is adlually corporeal , and proceeds from that Body - , and whereas there are a great many odorous Subltances , which in very fmall Quantities will remarkably affeét the Senfe of ing at great Diftances , it is neceflary , that through all that Space in which it is fo perceivable , there fliould actually be diffufed a - great Plenty of Particles ling from that Body - , and infomuch , that wherefo - cver a Perfon is within that Compafs , thofe Organs which are fuited to receive fuch Imprefiions , ( hall be ftruck upon and affected by thofe Particles .
Thus we come by thofe general Notices of Body , which are the Materials of all phyfical Knowledge , the eflential Properties of Matter likewife may upon this Account be differently confider'd , that fome of them are always the fame in all Refpedts in all the Compolitions of Matter , but that others will admit of different Modifications . Thus Solidity and Ina & ivity , or an Incapacity of Self - motion , are in all Refpects the fame in all Parcels of Matter - , every