Full text: Medicina Statica

Introduction . 15 
ncceíTary Cönfequence from the Idea of Body , that it fhould be endued with it ; yet we find it to hold good in all Bodies or Parcels of Matter whatfocvcr . It any Body , fufpended in a Fluid fpecifically lighter than it felf , be let go , it will tend towards fome terminate Point ; or , as we commonly fay , fall til it reib againft fome other hard confident Body , which hinders its farther Progrefs . And this ty , or Affection of Matter , is the fame alfo as is meant by the Term Attraftion ; the Laws and tions of which , as will prefently further appear , are the only Guides weean have in finding out the ers of all phyfical Agents . From Motion alfo wc come by leverai other Ideas , as of Time , Duration , Succeflion , Place , and Number , which in phyfica ! Difquifitions cannot but frequently be made ufe of . 
The lall general Property of Matter which I ihall take Notice ot ( for the Knowledge of which alio we are beholden altogether to the Information of our Senfes ) is its wonderful Divifibility , or a Power of being broke and divided into Parts of the moil con * - ceivable Small nefs . There are a great many mena in Nature , not any ways to Ixr accounted for by a Perlon that is not very well apprized of this perty . As for thofe Geometrical Dcmonftrations which arc brought to prove its infinite Divifibility , I cannot undcrftand them to be of any farther Ufe than to ( hew the Penetration of their Inventors ; be - caufe there arefuch a Multitude of Inltances , by this Property fufficiently appears to thofe as are not at all acquainted with fuch Methods of Reafon - ing . As in the Duttiliry of Gold ; when a Piece of Silver is covered with it , although as thin as pof - fible , and that Silver drawn out into the greateft poflìble Length , exceeding a great many Thoufand I imes its former , it wiil , notwithllandiiig , ftill pear in all its Parts to be covered o vet as at fir ll with 
Gold ;

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