Thefe Aphorifms bave formerly appeared in Engliih under the Title of Rules of Health ; but tbe Tran - ßatcr bas retained fo many Terms and Latin Phrafes^ that the Original I ßjould tbink as eafy to an Engliih - man as tbe other , bad it no gone off fo much , that ai this Time it is hardly to be met with . Dr Lifter has al fo given an Edition in Latin , with bis Notes upen each Aphorifm ; Init hardly - u . itb any other Advantage to tbe ¡VorId , than making San'ctorii's , vubo tvas before f arce , mere common to be met with . Indeed I cannot make any large Acknowledgment for bis Aßißance in what I bave done , although I hardly omitted ccnfidt - ing him upon every Aphorifm , for in moft , I found my Author more intelligible than bis Commentator - , but : n bis Notes upon one Place , where be [ peaks of Spccilicks working by infenfible Perfpiration , and with tbe Bark mentions the Ipecacuanha , as one of the fame Tribe , he feems to have gone into a Aliftake of a very uncommon Nature .
As to tbe Aphorifms , I bave tranßated them as clofe as I am able , I mean , as to tbe Author's Senfe , and taken as much Care as poßible therein , not to tranfplant any bard Pbyfical Terms ; and where that could not be avoided , I have been particularly careful to make them intelligible in the Explanations . The Sixth Seil ¡on of Venery I had fome Thoughts of leaving out ; but for fear fome would look upon the Collegi ion maimed thereby , and not be contented without all that Sa ri u s himfelf thought fit to give to tbe Public , I have inferted it in its Place , and , I hope , in fucb Terms as are as cbafie and inoffenfive as our Language will bear .
¡Ve bave a common Saying , that a Man at Forty is either a Pool or a Phyfician - , from whence may thus much be gather * d , that a wife Man , by obferving what Effets every Thing which turns up in the Courfe of