Full text: Tales and fairy stories

the eye and the nose. So now you know all ahoyt 
When the evening closed In, and the gnats were 
disporting in the warm air and: amidst the red clouds 
the nightingale came and sang to the roses that the 
beautiful resembles sunshine in this world, and that 
‘he beautiful lives eternally. But the roses thought 
the nightingale was singing her own praises, which 
might easily be imagined; for that the song could 
refer to themselves was a thing they never even 
dreamed of. Still they were delighted with it, and 
often wondered whether all the little sparrows would 
ilkewise become nightingales. “I understood this 
bird’s song quite well,” said the young sparrows, 
«« There was only one word that I could not make out. 
What is the beautiful?” 
« Nothing of any consequence,” replied the mother 
sparrow ; “1b merely relates to externals. Up yonder 
ot the manor-house, where the pigeons have a house of 
their own, and are fed daily with peas and corn—I 
have myself shared their meal occasionally, and so 
shall you, in time; for my maxim is: ¢Tell me with 
whom thou goest, and I will tell thee what thou 
Joest’—well, up yonder at the manor-house, as I was 
saying, there are two birds, with green necks and a 
tuft on their heads, who can spread out their tails like 
a large wheel, that shines with so many colours that 1t 
dazzles one’s eyes to look at it. These birds are called 
peacocks, and they represent the beautiful ; but if they 
were only plucked of some of their feathers, they would 
not look different from all of us. And I would have 
nlucked them too, had they not been so large.” 
«T will pluck them!” squeaked out the smallest 
sparrow, who had no feathers of his own yet. 
In the cottage lived a young couple, who Toved 
each other very dearly, and were active and indus- 
trious, so that everything around them looked nice 
and neat. Barly on Sunday morning, the youns wife 
came out and gathered a handful of roses, and put 
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