Full text: Tales and fairy stories

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and each net was filled with sweetmeats ; gilt apples 
and walnuts hung down from others, as it they had 
grown there; and above a hundred tapers—white, blue, 
and red—were fastened to the branches. Beneath the 
green leaves were placed dolls, that looked, for all the 
world, like living creatures. The tree had never seen 
any such before; and on the topmost summit was 
fastened a star, all over spangles, that was right royally 
splendid to behold. 
“This evening it will shine most gloriously !” they 
all said. 
“Oh!” thought the tree, “if it were hut evening ! 
If the tapers could but be lighted! And then what is 
to be done next? If wonder whether the trees from 
our forest will come and admire me? And whether 
the sparrows will peep in through the window-panes ? 
And whether I have taken root here, and shall re- 
main decked out in this fashion through both winter 
and summer?” 
These reflections were all very well, only the tree's 
longings were so intense, that his bark ached again 
through impatience ; and darkache is just as bad for a 
tree as headache is with us. 
At length the tapers were lit; and a grand sight it 
was, to be sure. The tree trembled so in all hus 
branches, that one of the tapers set fire to the leaves 
and regularly singed them. 
“Help! help!” shrieked the young ladies, as they 
hastily extinguished the flame. 
So the tree endeavoured not to tremble again, 
frightened as he was—for he was most anxious not 
to lose any of his ornaments—and though bewildered 
by so brilliant a scene. And now the folding-doors 
were thrown open, and in rushed a whole troop of 
children, as though they would overturn the tree, 
while their elders followed in a more leisurely manner. 
The little ones stood dumb-struck for a moment, and 
then directly after set up such shouts of joy, that the 
room rang with the sound. They danced round the 

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