Full text: Tales and fairy stories

The servant-girl and the little boy went down-stajp 
immediately to look after him ; but though they hag 
nearly trodden upon him, they could not manage tg 
find him. If the lead soldier had but called out. 
«« Here am I!” they might have found him; but hg 
did not think it consistent with his uniform to cry out 
for help. 
It now began to rain. The drops fell faster and 
faster, and there was soon a regular shower. When i 
was over, two boys that were idling about the streets 
happened to pass by. 
‘“ Look,” said one of them, “there lies a lead soldier, 
He shall have a sail in a boat.” 
And so they made a boat out of a newspaper, and 
placed the soldier inside it, and set him floating down 
the gutter. The two boys ran by his side, clapping 
their hands. Bless us and save us! what waves there 
were in the gutter, and what a strong current! It was, 
to be sure, at hich water, owing to the rain. The 
paper boat rocked up and down, and sometimes whirled 
round so fast that the lead soldier trembled; yet he 
remained at his post, made no faces, looked straight 
before him, and shouldered his musket. 
On a sudden, the boat shot under a long bridge 
that lay across the gutter, where it was as dark asm 
his box. 
“ Where am I going to?” thought he. ¢ This 
must surely be the gnome’s fault! Oh! if the little 
lady was but here at my side in the boat, it might then 
be as dark as it pleased, and I should not care.” 
A huge rat, that lived under the bridge of the gutter, 
now made his appearance. 
“ Have you a pass?” inquired the rat. ¢ Come 
out with it.” But the lead soldier remained silent, and 
held his musket still tighter. 
The boat flew past, and the rat followed. How he 
did gnash his teeth, and call out to the wood-shavings 
and the straw: “Stop him! stop him! He has not 
paid the toll, nor shewn his pass.” 
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