Full text: The snow queen

them. She nodded at the window, and 
beckoned with her hand. The little boy 
was frightened, and jumped down from 
the chair ; he then fancied he saw a large 
bird fly past the window. 
There was a clear frost next day, and 
soon afterwards came spring,—the trees 
and flowers budded, the swallows built their 
nests, the windows were opened, and the 
little children sat once more in their little 
garden upon the gutter that ran 
along the roofs of the houses, 
The roses blossomed beautifully 
that summer, and the little girl had 
learned 2 hymn in which there 
was something about roses, it re- 
minded her of her own. So she 
sang it to the little boy, and he 
sang it with her, 
*¢ Our roses bloom and fade away, 
Our Infant Lord abides alway ! 
May we be blessed His face to sce, 
And ever little children be!” 
And the little ones held each

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