Full text: A picture-book without pictures

were paved with broad blocks of lava; I showed 
them the names on the houses and the sign- 
boards hanging over the doors; in the courts 
they saw the reservoirs of the fountains, orna- 
mented with shells; but no stream of water 
ascended from them, no songs resounded from 
the richly painted apartments, where the brazen 
dogs kept watch at the doors. 
It was the city of the dead; Vesuvius alone 
continued its eternal hymn, each verse of which 
men call a new eruption. We went to the temple 
of Venus, built of snow-white marble; its high 
altar is erected in front of the broad steps and 
between the columns grows the weeping willow; 
the air was clear and blue, the mighty Vesuvius 
formed the background, from which the fire 
ascended like the stem of a pine-tree. Above it 
in the still night lay a huge cloud of smoke, 
like the pine-tree’'s crown, but of a blood red 
iv singer amongst the com- 
pony, a truly noble singer: for [ have myself been 
-—pr tL

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