Full text: The national Church of Sweden

Bjork, Pastor, in U.S.A., 288 
Biérnson, quoted, ballad on Olaf 
Tryggvason, 66 
Blake, William, 347 
Bothvidi, Johannes, 276 
Botniensis, Andreas Laurentii, 246 
Botniensis, Nicolaus Olai, 250 ff 
257, 267 
Botvid, St., 82 
Botvid Sunonis, Bishon of Streng- 
nis, 207, 223 
Bradley, Henry, 38 
Brahe, Per, 277 
Brandy, its use in Sweden, 349, 377 
Brask, Hans, 6, 193, 197, 201 
Bredberg, Jacob, 402-3, 404 
Bremen, Mission of, 48-58 
Bremer, Frederica, 380-1; her visit 
to UI.S.A., 401 
Brinck, Dr., 322 
Bring, Bishop E. G., student life, 
386; compared with Sundberg, 
383; on professorial prebends, 
388, a17 
Brockmer, on Swendenborg, 341 
Brynhild, in Vélsunga Saga, 41 
Bryniulf, Bishop of Skara, 122 
Bureus, John, 277 
Burial, reformed office for, 212 
Calixtus, George, 290 
Carlyle, Thomas, 37 
Cassander’s influence on John III., 
239 f. 
Celtic character, the, 33 f. 
Cerne Giant, 13 
Charles the Great, so 
Charles IX., 252-272 
Charles X., 302 
Charles XI., 304 
Charles XII., 307, 326, 336, 337 
Charles XIII., 352 
Charles Sverkersson, King, 111 
Cheetham, Archdeacon S., 298 
Chlochilaicus, Danish King, 27 
Christian 1., King, 162, 173 
Christian II., 161, 177, 180 
Christina, Queen, 28g, 302, 303 
Christopher, King, 156 
“hytreus, David, 2€0 
Church Army, 437 
Church Building, modern, 426, 432 
Clowes, Rev. John, 346 
Coles, Dr. Donald, 342 
Comenius, Bishop, 299 
Communion, Holy ; regulations as to 
wine, 168; of the sick, 210; Olaus 
Petri’s service, 213-215; Mass 
without communicants, 221, 229; 
wine and water, 229; Nova Ordi- 
nantia, 241f.; service of Red 
Book, 244 ; elevation of sacrament, 
258, 259; teaching of Heidelberg 
Catechism, 290; Durie’s teaching, 
295 f.; Matthia’s teaching, 299 
~oncordie, Liber, 304, 315 
Confirmation, 168 f., 210-212, 235 {., 
241, 299, 300, 305, 354; Lind. 
blom’s service of, before First 
Communion, 354 
Consistorium Generale, 284 
Consistorium Regni, 285 
Cornelius, referred to, xv., 175, 209, 
223, 305, 324 
Craigie, W. A., 27, 37 
“ Cuius regio eius religion,” 412 
Dalin, Olof, 327 
Davenant, Bishop, 293 f. 
David, St., Bishop of Vesteras, 82 
Dauciones, the, 22 
Deacons, 243, 263 
De Geers, Baron, transforms the 
Riksdag, 393 
Departed, duty to the, 397-8 
Descartes, influence on Swedenborg, 
Diaconate, in Sweden, 312, 417.8 
Diakonistyrelse like S.P.C.K., 4345 
Dippel, J. C., 340 f. 
Disestablishment in Sweden, 422 
Domald, King of Sweden, 29, 38 
Dominicans in Sweden, 114 
Dorner, I. A., 316, 324 f., 344 
Dorstad, Anskar at, 5I 
Dort, Synod of, 294, 316 
Du Chaillu, P., 12, 25, 33 
Durie, John, 201-20% 
F)bo, Archbishop of Reims, so

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