Full text: The national Church of Sweden

«#8 VL—GREAT KINGS AND BISHOPS (A.D. 1593—1718). 
Olaus Martini—John Forbes disputes at Upsala 
—Petrus Kenicius succeeds as archbishop (1609) 
—Death of the King (1611) ... ... ... ... .. 268 
6.—The great kings and the great bishops— 
The Stormaktstid (1618—1718)—Character of 
Gustavus Adolphus — The great bishops— 
Johannes Bothvidi and Isaac Rothovius — 
Johannes Rudbeckius and the humanists, Mes- 
senius and Stiernhielm—Rudbeckius and Gus. 
tavus—Judaism in Vesterss and elsewhere ... ... 
7.—Rudbeckius in his diocese—His energy and suc- 
cess—His institutions—Resists the king’s plan for 
a Consistorium Generale ... ... ... ... .. .. 
8.—Laurentius Paulinus Gothus archbishop (1637— 
1646)—His synods and visitations — Johannes 
Matthize—The Lapland Mission—The colony of 
New Sweden—Formation of new dioceses ... ... 283 
9.—Movement for an Evangelical confederation— 
David Pareus (1548—1622)—Hugo Grotius (1583 
1645) — George Calixtus (1586—1656) — John 
Durie (1596—1680—His connection with Dave- 
nant, Bishop of Salisbury, etc.—Invited by 
Matthize to Sweden (1636—1638)—Efforts there 
unsuccessful — Quarrel with Rudbeckius—The 
clergy at the Riksdag demand his expulsion— 
After-effects in Prussia... ... .. .. .. .. 28g 
10.—Matthiz’s writings—Influence of Comenius— 
Confirmation re-introduced by Matthiee and 
Laurelius — Syncretism — Charles X. succeeds 
(1654—1660)—Favours Matthizz and Tersérus— 
They are accused of heresy and obliged to resign 
(1664)—Absolutism under Charles XI. (1660— 
1697)—New relation of the king to the Church— 
New Church law of 1686 — Liber Concordie 
accepted—Changes in the Church Order ... .. 29g 
11.—Imposing activity in Church matters—Church 
registers—Catechism and Prayer Book—LEric 

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