Full text: (SS 1701u. WS 1701/02)

St s/toS. teßimomo fub ipfuis prsfldio nuper 
habl HENRICUS MUHLIUS Theol D., & Prof. Ord. 
, onerarn ,ut Parallelifmum iocorura V. T. 
hanc fibi ^'“Phed-apofthac publica tradat, urgeatque 
toe C "Äequatur, *£ de Scripturaria Apodrx. 
fUlCeP THEODORUS DASS0V1US , Licent. SS. Theol. 
v r nrrlin &adD Nicol.Paft.Prim., prasteritaaeftateepi- 
Prof 0r ‘ 1 ‘ n A^ br d e o S Theologice & Philologice interpreta- 
NICOLAUS MARTINIJC.&Ant.Prmianus an . 
&Philof CivihP.P. Quemadmodumm erooßoon«; ttrut 
methodica ,de Natura Jurisprudents, e]us Fine, J > 
busjudicialibus , difputavit, Publicis Le£honibn J 
dicataefthoralXna. . 
SAM. REYHER, JC. Publice Priores V. übrosrCodien 
ad du&um Memorials Brunnemanianni abfolvit, tresJJPJ* 
tionesStruvianas, nec non Difputationem Solennem de juj i 
ti*, tarn Commutative, qiiam Diflributiva Proporttonwusna-, 
X 2 

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