Full text: De "Charitio" mimo Oxyrhynchio

Corrigendum esse iam vidimus et hoc modo primorum ver 
suum 97 et 98 (anarfr’ ecoifi’) et 101 (tdv nQuirot; etc.) 
difficultates sunt sublatae. 
Scribendum fortasse 8ttq di-vqo; neque enim perspi- 
cuumest,curCharitiumquoque dtvQoexclamet. Ceterum i6i pro 
o) non ita magnas difficultates palaeographieas praebet (sed 
cf. Joh. XI 43 sidCaQf, dtvQo et Menandri Epitrep. 409 
didni-o vTU-xdfdvxu dtvq egui l[u\!)qu). Sed illud dtvq' !h 
dtvoo his locis firmari mihi videtur: 
Ar. Lys. 1271 w dtvq' Y&i 8 t v q’, w 
xvruyt naqaivt. 
Catuli. 01 8 huc, huc veni, Wessely 1. c. in hymno ad Apollinem 
II, pg. 37 devq’ u y e 8 t v q o, 8 s v q’ uyt <)t(>Tn'C<»r et vs. 
2543. 8svq“ i'0-i /joi vvytu i>i\qdxtov£ 8tvq\ 
97. Glyconeus cum reiziano saepius coniungitur velut apud Pindarum: 
Oxyrh. pap. V. pg. 27 v. 33 et 37: 
. . . fjoyOog rjGuyiav 
xcuQto Y.caafi(uvwv. 
et in Olymp. Od. IX cf. v. 50 
'froTftog, ord’ *Atdug dxt- 
vr\Tuv *■/& ()ccjidov. 
quod simile (prosod. cum reiz.) invenimus in Ar. pac. 1345: 
OU TIQUyfAUT’ fyo^Tf-S dk- 
ku Gvxokoyovvitg et 
in Soph. Oed. v. 477 : vkav ava r' uvrqk xal 
ntTQccJog o Tacyog 
Ad v. 101 tycjo cf. Bacchyl. III 23 : . . . dykcti&Two ydo doiGrog okfiioy. 
Versibus 99-101 comparatis fieri potest, ut post xt-ktvau) pedes 
w — — vel — w ^ omissi sint. 
102. nakikctkfig = nukikkuktTg.

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