Full text: Shadwell-Studien

Reich: ‘Der Mann mit dem Eselskopf, im Shakespeare- 
Jahrbuch vol. XL, p. 108 ff. 
Reihmann: Shadwell’s ‘Libertine’, Leipz. Diss. 1904. 
Retro specti ve Review 2 nd ser. vol. II., p. 55 ff.: Shad- 
well’s Dramatic Works. London 1893. 
Richards: A Literary Link between Tho. Shadvvell and 
Christ. Felix Weise, in den ‘Puhl, of the Mod. 
Lang. Assoc. of America’, vol. XXI, 4. (New. 
Series XIV, 4). 
Rochester: Works of John, 2 nd Earl of Rochester, Lond. 
Saintsbury: The Best Plays of Tho. Shadwell in den 
‘Mermaid-Series’ (Lond., New-York). 
Scott: Works of John Dryden, Revised etc. by G. Saints 
bury, vol. X, Edinburgh 1885. 
Seiler: The Sources of Tho. Shadwell’s Comedy ‘Bury- 
Fair,’ Berner Diss. 1904. 
Shadwell: The Dramatic Works of Tho. Shadwell, Lond. 1720. 
‘Psyche’, An Opera. London 1675. 
Stanley: Westminster-Abbey, London 1868. 
Steiger: Tho. Shadwell's ‘Libertine’, Berner Diss. 1904. 
S t u m f a 11: Das Märchen von Amor und Psyche in seinem 
Fortleben in der franz., ital. und span. Literatur Dis 
zum 18. Jahrh. (Münchener Beitr. vol. XXXIX), 
Leipzig 1907. 
Ta ine: Litterature anglaise vol. III, Paris 1866. 
Voltaire: CEuvres vol. XIV: ‘La vie de Moliere’, Geneve 
Ward: A History of English Dramatic Literature, 3 vols.; 
sec. ed. London 1899. 
Wheatley: The Diary of Samuel Pepys, London 1896.

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