Full text: Über die englischen Marienklagen

pe modir to se hir sone so blede, 
It kittip myn herte as with a knyf. 
17) My sone pat y was woont to fede, 
To lulle, to lappe, with songis rijf; . . . 
21) I am bope maiden, modir, and wijf, 
And sones haue y no mo to souke my brest; 
23) I may make sorewe without relijf. . 
25) Thus filius regis, myn owne dere child, 
Hangip on pe croos: y stoonde and se 
How he is woundid and defilid 
With spittinge and speeris so piteuousli. 
30) “Mi swete dere sone, seest pou not me . . ?“ 
. . po he me biheld, 
And seide, “moorne not, modir, pi sorowe lete be; 
1 schal be pin and come to pee.“ 
37) He diep, he diep, pat is my blis; 
39) No wondir is of my greet heuynes ! 
Mi fadir, my bropir, my spouse, he was, 
My modir, my socour, and al pat ys! 
Now fadirlees and modirlees y mai forth passe 
Broperlees, spouselees, ... as a ping .... pat no 
ping has ! 
14—16,23) Cf. Y 24097 fr., wo auch der im B -Tr. nicht be 
gründete V. 23 seine Entsprechung findet. 
18) Auch T 719 wurde in diesem Zusammenhang der Wiegen 
lieder gedacht. 
22) Vgl. zu B (Ende). 
30) B.-Tr. 238: miserere mei et respice in me cf. X 457,33: 
why lokyst pou not vpon py soreful moder? 
32 f.) B.-Tfc. 121 ff.: desine flere et dolorem depone .... (127) 
noli flere, mater . . . Tecum sum et tecum ero omni tempore.. 
37) B.-Tr. 97 f.: Vita mea moritur, et salus perimitur. 
39) B.-Tr. 65 ff.: Tanto . . dolore et tristitia vexabar . . . nec mirum. 
40—43) B.-Tr. 109 ff.: tu mihi pater, tu mihi mater, tu mihi filius, 
tu mihi sponsus, tu mihi omnia (A.: anima) eras. Nunc orbor 
patre, viduor sponso, desolor filio, omnia perdo,

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