Full text: Die Entwicklung des französischen Infinitivausganges (Vokal +) palatales l + er

de la langue francaise p. p. F. Gdnin, Paris 1852, S. 8 ,,that 
whan soever the IV letters, ilia, ille or illo come to gither in a 
nowne substantive or in a verbe, the i nat havyng an o com- 
mynge next before him, they use to sounde an i shortley and 
confusely betwene the last 1 and the vowel folowyng, albe it that 
in writtyng they expresse none suche, as these vvordes, ribaudaille» 
faille, bailler, gaillart, veillant, billart, fueille, fille, cheville, quoc- 
quille, ardillon, bastillon, couillon, and such lyke in redyng or 
spekynge they sounde thus: ribaudaillie, bailiier, gailliart . . . 
fillie, ardillon ...... covillion; but if the 
i an o commyng next before bym, in all suche wordes they 
sounde none i after the letter 1; so that these nownes substan- 
tyves moylle, voille, toille, and suche lyke be except from this 
rule.“ — 
Bovelles (1532), vgl. Thurot II S. 293, sagt: „Quotiens . . 
1 duplex nonnnllas anteit vocales, tum ipsa exilem 
quendam et confractum sonum edit, tanquam literarum 1 et i, ut in 
his, traveille “ — 
Saint-Siens (1580), vgl. Thurot I 327, vgl. auch Livet S. 
504, „Quotienscunque duo 1 sequuntur aliquam harum quatuor 
diphtongorum ai, ei, oi, ui, nop extremitate linguae tibi pronun- 
tianda sunt; sed tangendo oris palatum ipsius linguae medio, ut 
loquendo molliores fiant, ac veluti in ore liquescant. Itali optime 
exprimunt huiusmodi 11, in voglio , et similibus 
Hispani in verbo llamo .... apprime exprimunt quod quaero....“ — 
H. Estienne (1582) S. 62, vgl. Thurot II 293, „Haec con- 
sonans, quum geminatur, molliorem sonum habet quam quum 
unica ponitur: et quidem talem plerumque ut unam tantum 1, 
quam sequatur i, videaris audire Piller . . . eodem . . . . 
fere modo pronuntias quo Pilier.“ — 
Beza (1584) S. 31 (vgl. Livet S. 515) „L post i v.ocalem 
edit möllern quendam sonum .... proxime accedentem ad sonum 
syllabae li cum proxima vocali coalescentis, quam Itali quidem 
per gl scribunt Hispani vero per duplex 11 initio 
quoque vocabulorem natant.“ — 
Fast derselben Meinung über die Aussprache des pal. 1 sind 
die Grammatiker Cauchie (1570), Tabouret (1587), Lanoue (1596), 
Du Val (1604), Masset (1606), Ph. Garnier (1607), Martin (1632),

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