Full text: De Alcibiade I, qvi fertvr Platonis

Haec omnia imitator aequalium sententias secutus in 
maius extendit, ita ut Alcibiadem deflorescentem et Socratem 
pulchritudinem non curantem describeret. 
Atque imitator Xenophontem sequebatur, quia cum aequa 
libus congruebat; non in animo habebat Xenophontis doc 
trinam amatoriam probare. Nam in una re ab eo discrepat; 
narrat enim Socratem ut verum amatorem ante portam Alci 
biadis dies noctesque versatum esse 1 , quod Plato affert in 
describendis moribus amatorum 2 (e. g. Phaedr. p. 252 A rrdvxmv 
Kctracppovficaca (scii, vpuxq) bouXeueiv exoipri taxi xoipacGca ottou 
ctv eq tic epfnxdxuu toO ttoGou), Xenopho graviter condemnat; 
Conv. VIII 23, 6 be toO cuupaxoc 6pey6|uevoc eitaSxmc utCTiep 
rrrinxoc TrepieTTOixo' dei fdp toi rrpoaxixwv taxi trpocbeoqevoc r\ 
qnXf|]uaxoc f| dXXou xivoc tpqXacpqpaxoc TrapaKoXouOei. 
1 cf. p. 10. 
2 cf. Phaedr. 233 F, Conv. p. 183 A.

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