As of a broad brook o’er a shingly bed
Crawling, or like a damour of the rooks 344,59 f.
Die Nachahmung des Schlachtgetöses erkennt man in fol
genden Beispielen :
So that the brüte bullet broke thro’ the bnim that could
think for the re st;
Äillets would .fing by our /oreheads, and Zmllets would rain
at our feet — 519,29 f.;
•SVorm at the Water-gate! Vorm at the Baily-gate! Vorm,
and it ran
Aurging and .fwayi ng all round us, as ocean on every dde
520,1 f.
Die Laute s und k werden angewandt zur Versinnlichung
einer bitteren, ironischen Stimmung.
What if with her mnny hair
And Jrnile as J'imny as rold,
She meant to weave me a .fnare
Of ^ome co^uettish dereit, 291,57h
Eine bewegte, sanfte Stimmung wird veranschaulicht durch
m und 1.
And Maud too, vl/aud was moved
To speak of the mother she /oved
As one scarce less for/orn, 298,5g f.
Auch bei der Schilderung aufregender Vorgänge werden
entsprechende Laute mit Erfolg angewandt.
Till I with as /ierce an anger ipoke
And he strack me, madman over the face,
•SVruck me be/ore the languid /ool,
Who was ^aping and ^rimming by:
5/ruck for hinweif an evil Vroke, 302,7 f.