Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

Tho’ scaling slow from ^rade to <f/-ade ; 33,18; 
To sZeep I to sZeep ! The long bright rZay is «bne, 635,35; 
Z>»ale and we smx\e, the /ords of many Zands 346,37 ; 
Which being sold and sold had Zought them Zread: 351,5 ; 
Sfnng after s/ring, for Zalf a Zmndred years ; 4x9,7 ; 
And still from Zime to Zime the Zeuthen Zost 309,8 ; 
And often Zold a Zale from »xouth to wouth 168,35 \ 
Earth at last a warless worid a .single race a .single tongue — 
From erb to erb, from »eil to »eil, 255,52; 
AZeart beating time to Zeart, Zip pressing Zip, 480,19. 
2. Gekreuzte Alliteration a b a b. 
A?lack the .garden-Zowers and ^rots 10,72; 
Have yested «Iso, but for /ulian’s eyes 497,11; 
Out yZew the web and /oated wide; 29,35; 
The ^rasp of Zopeless grief about my Zeart 478,21; 
His Zeavy-sZotted Zammock-sZroud 249,3 ; 
The Zatest Zouse to Zandward; but befind, 136,19; 
Of Zawless «Zrs, at Zast stood out 5,52; 
A Ziving /ash of Zight he /ew, 31,25 ; 
And Zo, thy iZeepest Zays are rZumb 266,35 1 
Whom he Zoves ;«ost, Zonely and miserable, 343,5 ; 
Zow on the sand and Zoud on the stone 301,7 ; 
And may there Ze no woaning of the Zar, 636,53; 
And ye xweanwhile fax over «oor and /eil 298,24 ; 
His Memory scarce can wake me sad, 36,76; 
And, /assing, Zürn the /age that Zells 266,54; 
The ring of /aces redden’d by the /lames 615,11; 
There seem’d no room for sense of wrong; 36,54; 
While siowly /alling as a scale that /alls, 349,16; 
Warmly and Zroadly the south winds are Zlowing 3,3; 
Wt feil out my wife and f 173,17 ; 
For wZen was Zancelot wanderingly Zewd? 421,11; 
By maidens euch as /air as «ny/lower : 427,70; 
Spy out my /ace, and laugh at «11 your /ears, 128,30; 
With Zag and sack and Zasket, great and small, 126,6; 

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