Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

Z>eem this overtragic «Vama’s dosing curtain in the pall! 562,6; 
Zrail were the works that de/ended the ^old that we //eld 
with our lives — 519,17; 
But I shall /ie a/one, wother, within the wouldering grave. 
5 1 . 2 4; 
Zopping away of the /imb the /itiful/itiless knife, — 521,3 ; 
May wake my heart as a willstone, set my /ace as a /lint, 
We are /uppets, Man in his /ride, and Beauty /air in her 
/lower; 290,7; 
Zfift the hills, and roll the w/aters, flash the lightnings, ®/eigh 
the Sun. 103,8; 
Then a peal that shakes the portal — one has come to daim 
his bride, 567,27. 
Zuweilen^ findet sich unbedingt beabsichtigte Alliteration a a 
b b, bei welcher in der Senkung stehende Silben mitalliterieren. 
And o’er £lack £rows (/raps dbwn 9,27; 
This broaA-bnmxa'A /tawker of ho\y things, 294,2; 
Zhpt Zown to sea and .tands. 45,16; 
Z?own-(/roop’d, in many a /loating/old, 11,48; 
Where thy /irst /orm was wade a «an; 263,6; 
From the red-ribb’d Kollow be/nnd the wood, 302,15. 
In einer Reihe von Fällen werden zwei oder auch vier Stäbe 
durch Wiederholung desselben Wortes gebildet. 
One carnest, tarnest woment wine, 93,7; 
But in, go in; for cave yourrelf desire it, 345,57 ; 
Nay, but these would /eel and /ollow Truth if only 7011 and 
yon, 563,27; 
Tumble Nature hee\ o’er /tead, and, jelling with the jrelling 
Street, 564,7 ; 
In clanging cadence jangling peal on peal — 492,48; 
Appratfching, press’d you /ieart to heaxt, 38,52; 
Z’oar upon roar in a woment two wines by the enemy 
sprung 520,18; 
But I look’d, and round, all round the /«ouse 1 be/teld 
296,6 ; 
So runs the round of life from \\our to hot/r, 19,7 ;

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