Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

6 5 
ZTope the best, but hold the ZVesent fatal daughter of the 
Ast, 563,13; 
When the poor are /zovell’d and /nistled together, each sex, 
like .swine, 287,18; 
Zarger conste/Zations burning, wellow »zoons and happy 
skies, 102,1 7 ; 
Sees in heaven the Zight of Zondon flaring like a Zreary 
Zaw'n; joi,8; 
Be mine a phiZosopher’s /ife in the quiet «/oodland zcays, 
Voice of the dead whom we Zoved, on Zavvrence the he st 
of the brave: 519,21; 
When a vf/ammonite wother kills her habe for a Zurial fee, 
Man or Mind that sees a shadow of the /Zanner or the 
//an? 565,32; 
Ever the marvel awong us that one should be /eft a/ive, 
S 20 .42 ; 
Half the »zarvels of my wiorning, /riumphs over /ime and 
space, 562,19; 
Z’ilots of the /urple twilight, Zropping /own with costly 
bales; 101,16; 
Ever the mine and awault, our halbes, their /ying a/arms, 
Ztrove for dxty widow’d years to he 1p his /zomelier brother 
men, 567,31 ; 
And the .sun of the «jul made Zay in the Zark of his 
wonderful eyes. 542,34; 
Happy children in a .runbeam dtting on the nbs of zweck. 
560,26 ; 
Barketh the .f/zepherd-dog r/zeerly ; the grasshopper rarolleth 
dearly; 3,54; 
Who knows the zcays of the world, how God will £ring 
them a^out? 290,26 ; 
W/iere in zc/ild Mahratta-battle /eil my /ather evil-starr’d; 
— 1.02,13. 
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