Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

Casques were zrrack’d and /zauberks /zack’d, 629,47 ; 
The /ast red /eaf is w^irl’d away, 251,39; 
After »zadness, after »zassacre, /acobinism and /acquerie, 
There’s Margaret and Mary, there’s Zate and Caroline: 50,6 ; 
How zzzight a man not wander from his wits 179,57; 
With /rüdes for/roctors, z/o wage rs for z/eans, 167,46; 
/fanging and ringing thro’ the zzzinds of zzzen, 315,42; 
Then rode Geraint into the zastle zrourt, 345,59; 
Thy roots are wra.pt a/zout the /ones. 248,8 ; 
Queen rose of the rosebud .garden of .girls, 301,35 ; 
And round the roofs a .gilded .gallery 45,13; 
I i'/ip, I r/ide, I ^/oom, I ,g/ance, 141,49 ; 
Like ronte of the .simple great ones gone 194,22 ; 
A rweet voice ringing in the /opmost /ower 431,61 ; 
In /eacup /imes of /zood and /zoop 89,5 g ; 
What /ime his /ender /alm is /rest 259,18; 
Troubled the /rack of the /ost that we /zated, 535,14; 
And w/zile he waited in the rastle zrourt, 346,10. 
Who being zzpt at zzrms and big of £one 348,49; 
For zzld am /, and rough the ways and wild; 352,46; 
Äightly and zksldly, A\\ his Afnnie’s fears 127,60; 
i?urst thro’ the heated z^uds, and rent his roul 481,14; 
Zkew in the z/ewy zzzeadowy zzzorning-breath 135,13 ; 
So that bright /ace was /lash’d thro’ rense and roul 511,13; 
Then /eil the /loods ol heaven z/rowning the z/eep. 427,28; 
Let it / lame or /ade, and the war roll down like a wind, 
308,1 ; 
Or gay, or .grave, or rweet, or rtern, was there 46,7 ; 
The /zeathen /zordes, and made a z'ealm and reign’d. 317,26 ; 
And I be/zeld great Here’s zzngry eyes, 42,55 ; 
Be/zeld, so /zigh upon the z/reary z/eeps 314,66; 
We /zold a tourney /zere to-worrow movn, 345,34; 
‘O A'ingi’ she rried, ‘and I will /eil thee /rue ; 314,32; 
Had never ^iss d a /£iss, or zzow’d a vow. 428,5 ; 
‘Cry, faint not, zrlimb; the rummits rlope 33,28; 
And /ife and /imbs, all his to work his will. 498,6; 
More /ife to Zove than zs or zzver was 297,55 ;

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