(3, 4> 6) For not to desire or adwire, if a «an could learn
it, were «ore 290,23-,
(3, 5, 6) They took us aboard : the rrew were gentle, the
raptain iind ; 544,18;
(3, 6, 8) Yours has been a Fighter ailment, will you dicken
for her j'ake ? 560,29;
(5. 7, 8) Eager hearted as a boy when /irst he leaves his
/ather’s /ield, 101,6;
(6, 7, 8) Wait tili Death has flung them open, when the
«an will «ake the Miker 630,47.
3. 4 Stäbe in einer Zeile.
Zight again, leaf again, /ife again, .Zove again, 611,33;
Have /ived and /oved a/one so /ong, 37,18;
From eye to eye thro’ all their Order flash 313,23;
He let hinweif beeide her, .laying to her: 129,36;
.S’ometimes I .yaw you dt and .ypin 38,13;
Seven dnys I drove along the dreary Zeep, 43 1 ,3 5 1
What aiTd her then, that ere she «iter’d, tfften; 133,4;
Invaded ifritain, ‘Bat we £eat him £ack, 352.42.
So «any a «illion of ages have gone to the «aking of
«an: 290,1 7 ;
And Zcho there, whatever is ask’d her, answers ‘Death.’
286,36 ;
I that /oathed, have come to /ove him. Zove will conquer
at the /ast, 568,8.
In einigen Fällen finden sich die 4 Stäbe weniger regel
mässig auf die Hebungen verteilt.
But Z shall reign for wer wer all, 17,52;
Two ^7'aves ^/■ass-^yeen beside a gray church-tower, 19,4;
ZTeld his he&d Zigh, and cared for no man, he, 138,9;
But a rold and dear-rut face, as I found when her rarriage
past, 288,31;
To .yave from lome dight shame one dmple girl, 297,53 ;
Bei zwei Beispielen werden die drei ersten Stäbe durch
Wiederholung desselben Wortes gebildet.
7>uth, for 7>-uth is 7>uth, he worshipt, being trae as he
was brave;