Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

The ycarlet shafts of .runrise-but no yail, 134,19; 
Had yuck’d the fire of rame forgotten j-un, 496,49. 
Hebung 1, 4, 5 ; 
And wherefore did he go this weary wa.y, 129,42; 
Hebung 2, 3, 4: 
To give his £abes a fetter ^ringing-up 129,45 ; 
With falling ^rook or /dassom’d £ush — and last, 482,3g ; 
Our general wother meant for me alone, 480,4; 
Were fewer, .rcatter’d ytars, yet nnce in truth 175,37. 
Hebung 2, 3, 5 : 
When I look’d at the Wracken so £right and the heather 
so brown, 613,3; 
November dlawns and öfewy-glooming rfbwns, 134,30; 
Some years be/bre, and /alling hid the /rame, 497,5 ; 
And you rame and >fiss’d me milking the row, 632,7 ; 
For those that are rrush’d in the r/ash of jarring <r/aims 
3 0 7.34; 
And we will ;«ake us mexxy as we may, 346,57 ; 
Or whether rome false Sense in her own seif 353,25. 
Hebung 2, 4, 5 : 
That all was £right; that all a/'out were &rds 351,22 ; 
Who stoopt and raught the habe, and rried “the Wing! 
Glided and />ast, and dose u/on it peal’d 429,45 ; 
And show’d themselves against the sky, and sank, 344,51; 
And truth in th\s to me, and Mat to Mee; 315,33; 
His bündle, 77'aved his hand, and we nt his 7£.ay, 128,51. 
Hebung 3, 4, 5 ; 
With that great crown of fcams a^out his ^rows —- 486,47 ; 
Had a sudden desire, like a^/orious fhost, to ^/ide, 295,69; 
And maiden fancies; /oved to /ive a/one 170,4; 
Then waving us a sign to seat ourselves, 498,43. 
Hebung 1, 7, 8 : 
Fearning for the large exdtement that the coraing _years 
would jrield, 101,5 ; 
(3. 4. 5) The Mayfly is torn by the swallo w, the s/arrows/ear’d 
by the shrike, 290,5 ;

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