Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

Hebung 2, 3, 4: 
As cowslip unto axlip <s, 90,23; 
The stately /lower of /emale /ortitude, 6,64 ; 
And sweet is rolour of rove and rave, 15,52 ; 
But ere the /ark hath /eft the /ea 264,41 ; 
My blessing /ike a /ine of /ight, 252,10; 
Will thou find Passion, /ain or /ride? 34,3; 
Full of the city’s rtilly round, 11,4; 
So mayst thou re/atch me where I weep, 263,29; 
Hebung t, 2, 3: 
Up with you, all of you, out of it 1 hear and obey, 636,8; 
Gives /irth to a Crawling />rook, that passing lightly 484,34 ; 
His /ancy /led be/bre the lazy wind 135,10; 
Which ma.de the awazement more, tili one of them 498,57; 
Wky’, said the kmght; ‘for no such passion mine, 419,18; 
Hung round with ragged rims and burning folds, 490,13. 
Hebung 1, 2, 4: 
On fern and /oxglove, Lo, the /ace again, .511,22; 
Per^aps, like h\n\ of Cana in Ho ly Writ, 430,52 ; 
He heard the ^ollow-ringing ^eavens sweep 429,28; 
And, /ast nost /east, she who had /eft her place, 175,46. 
Hebung 1, 2, 5 : 
Bows all its rars before the roaring Aast; 173,3; 
Great angels, awful shapes, and wings and eyes, 432,10. 
Hebung i, 3, 4; 
And rach is twdce as ald as /; and one 311,31 ; 
Berome a living rreature dad with wings? 427,14; 
And leave the name of Zover’s Zeap: not he: 494,21; 
On //easures hung u£on him, //ay’d with him 130.28; 
But dnce our fortune rwerved from ron to shade, 352,10; 
For ro, my mother raid, the rtory ran, 169,30; 
System and empire ? Am itrolf be found 92,64. 
Hebung 1, 3, 5 : 
And rach made joy of r/ther; then he ask’d, 428,58; 
The rursed Malayan rrease, and battle-dubs 165,38; 
With /aughter: others /ay about the /awns, 180,17; 
Not to teil her, «ever to let her know, 137,12;

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