Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

(3—6) On a Horror of shatter’d /imbs and a wretched 
swindler’s /ie? 288,8; 
(4—6) And I could have loved Hirn too, if the Wossom 
can doat on the Wight, 541,61; 
(5—6) And my pulses closed their gates with a shock on 
my ^eart as I -feard 286,47. 
2. Drei Stäbe in einer Zeile. 
Hebung 1, 2, 3 : 
Down in the rt'readful c/ust that once 494,45 ; 
And ^eap’d the who\o in^erited sin 295,45 ; 
A /ife that /eads me/odious days. 256,24; 
Were otcIIow »msic watch’d with him, 262,4 ; 
As dowly rteals a silver flame 264,18; 
And suddenly, sweetiy, .strangely blush’d 293,14; 
In summer suit and dlks of holiday, 343,55 ; 
To wage my wars, and worship me their King; 317,15 ; 
When will the wind be aweary of blowing 2,2.4; 
JV/tich to the r^ooing wind aloof 8,35. 
Hebung 1, 2, 4: 
May /ind a /00k, may line a box, 266,50; 
And /ring her /abe, and make her /oast, 258,18; 
Who /eeps the /eys of all the rreeds, 253,53; 
Like roarsest rlothes against the rold; 248,62; 
In roarings round the coral reef, 257,16; 
A .secret .sweetness in the .stream, 263,52; 
And mddenly, .sweetly, my heart beat strenger 293,16. 
Hebung 1, 3, 4 : 
Aercely we hack’d at the /lyers be/ore us, 535,16; 
And /requent interchange of /oul and /air, 133,19; 
To /eap the grades of /ife and /ight, 258,35 ; 
Te /ittle village /ooks for/orn ; 262,61; 
Gray /mrses, loving «othing «ew; 255,22; 
Love,/aced the thymy /lots of Aradise, 17,43 ; 
Ain raises up, old /leasures /all, 33,8 ; 
I .scarce could brook the ^rain and s/ir 251,48; 
And reem to find, but .still to .seek, 32,24 ; 
On .s/ony drought and Weaming salt; 30,40; 
.Sliddcn glances, sweet and .stränge, 8,78 ;

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