Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

And some were whelm'd with missiles of the wall, 166,13; 
And let the «/orld have peace or wars, 47,26. 
Hebung 3—4: 
Than arms, or power of bra\r\, or Z’irth 1,3; 
Whose jest among his /Hends is /ree, 264,6 ; 
Shaking her head at her «m and dghing 298,57. 
(1 — 2) By thee and those, and all the world be heal’d. 420,54 ; 
(1—3) The /ricks, which make us /oys of man, that so, 
(1—4) A /anther sprang across her /ath, she heard 615,8; 
(1—5) A^oe the thunder, with undying £liss 41,66; 
(2 — 3) Found a still place, and //uck’d her likeness out; 
(2—4) Airing a .tnowy hand and eignet gern, 171,14; 
(2—5) Into a dearer zenith, pure of r/oud. 484,22; 
(3— 4) And leaving human ze/;-ongs to /'ight themselves, 432,59; 
(3—5) And holy Dubric spread his hands and spa\e, 316,32. 
(1 — 2) Nay, but iVature brings thee solace; for a tender 
voice will cry 100,17; 
(1 — 2) That the ^mooth-faced .mubnosed rogue would leap 
from his counter and tili, 288,3; 
(1—4) I /lay’d with the girl when a child; she /romised 
then to be fair 288,20; 
(1—5) When he roin’d into English gold some treasure of 
dassical song, 543,1; 
(1—6) They /ower’d me down the side, and there in the 
boat I lay 544,14; 
(2—3) Bugles and <frums in the (/arkness, and shoutings and 
soundings to arms, 520,40; 
(2—4) Ever the day with its traitorous death from the loop 
holes around, 520,43 ; 
(2—5) Clove into /erilous chasms our walls and our poor 
palisades. 520,19; 
(2—6) War with a ^ousand battles, and shaking a hundred 
Mrones. 287,32; 
(3—4) I was the tempter, Afother, and w/ine was the deeper 
fall; 541,531

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