Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

ance 500,50 f. ; the Lion /00k no /arger than the Cat 563,20 ; 
/00k into the /avvs 5,73; to /00k upon the /ight 485,58; thro’ 
a /attice, Zooks 265,7 f,; the /ight he /ooks at 101,10; From 
hills, that /ook’d across a /and of hope, 171,61; /ooking upward 
to the practised hustings-/iar; 563.31; All /ooking down for the 
/ove of me, 20,33, 20,37 ; /oosens from the /ip 260,6 ; Zopping 
away of the /imb 521,3 ; /ess for/orn 298,61 ; We /oose ourselves 
in /ight 259,64; /ost in /aurel 172,57 f. ; Half-/ost in the /iquid 
azure bloom 289,26; Of a /and that had /ost for a /ittle her /ust 
of gold 307,29; /ost in /oathing 632,23; /ost my love in Zove 
487,59 i I /ikewise /ove 519,8; /ove, as /ong 303,19 f.; 
I /ov’d her to the /ast 137,61 ; to be /oved a /ittle after Enoch 
131,41 f.; I have /oved thee /ong 98,30; I have /oved you /onger 
131,34; thou shalt /ower to his/evel 99,11 ; Zess /ucky 133,27; 
Which wakes a desert in the wind, 264,2 ; wade him like a 
wan 346,19; A phantom wade of wany phantoms 134,22; Last 
May we wade a crown of flowers 51,13; wusically wade 90,3; 
Thou wadest Life in wan and brüte, 247,22; Afangled to worsels 
535,48 ; the King That worn was warried 316,17 ; all thy passions, 
watch’d with wine 102,9; a woment we shall weet; 304,23; 
never wore will weet 476,31; let us weet The worrow worn once 
wo re 424,1b ; Is welted into were effeminacy? 342,63; And 
wollen down in were uxuriousness, 342,16; AZoonlike ewerged 
487,55; our Sun is wighty in his May 317,4; To wingle with 
the bounding wain 250,44; Till even those that wiss’d her wost 
258,19; you wiss’d us wuch 168,13; A/ade wisty with the 
floating weal, 37,84; wixt with all this wystic frame, 267,6; 
the dead at widday woan, 292,40; AZortal once wore 494,58; 
too wuch we woulder 419,26 f.; As woulded like in Nature’s 
wint; 267,14; to wove to the weadow 291,31; they woved 
down to the weadow 349,27 h; woved to werriment 511,25; 
woving thro’ a wirror 28,46; wurmuring in her faithful wirth 
47,21; Mute of this wiracle 419,54; JZutter'd in our disway; 
569,34 ; «ever to let her Zrow 137,12 ; these can «ever £«ow thee 
380,44 ; Ye «ever knew 253,22 ; «ever have I Anown 419,8; They 
«ever «ail 494,16; Viziers //odding together In some Arabian «ight? 
293,3 f;/aleas at the/assing ot a ghost 313,17 ; /art in/eace 315,1g; 
Then with their nail’d/rows Zkrted the Norsemen, 535,67 f.; we^>as§

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