Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

g. Zeitwort oder Adjektiv binden sich mit dem 
Adverbium oder Substantivum, welche ihre 
adverbielle Nebenbestimmung enthalten. 
tfcted on 176,45 ; all unarm’d 347,41; «pt at «rms 348,49; 
From mine own r/rrldom w/sted me, 348,19; <?choing in ear and 
heart 493,33 ; Ateight years tfld 169,53 ; in the md opening 491,90h; 
mter in 176,12, 257,8; mter’d in 174,48, 179,22, 312,20; «iters 
/h, öft 47,47; I mvy not in any moods 254,45; en from bonest 
Nature’s rule 99,27; «'er öpen-door’d 345,49; Eyed like the 
«ening star 42,65 ; /II at ease 38,38 ; tfffer’d up 419,24; dtfnour’d 
to the «ttermost 497,32 ; öpening out 40,69; opens mward 34,64; 
And dad them to a danquet of farewells. 496,41; Z?are of the 
/>ody 258,66; dare as Grooms 168,28 ; darr’d with dloom 011 dloom 
482,49 ; So dathed we were in drilliance 481,7 ; Be of fetter cheer 
36,27; I dear that heart within my breast 178,19; we deat him 
dack 352,42, 352,44; Zteat thro’ the dlindness casement of the 
room, 342,27 ; Tho’ the deep heart of existence beat for ever 
like adoy’s? 101,34; Be at into my scalp and my drain 305,14; 
deaten by the dreeze 487,11 ; Zteating it in upon his weary drain 
137,22 ; And deating up thro’ all the bitter world, 137,28 ; in /Miss 
I shall adide 45,2 ; big of done 348,4g ; O sweet and Witter in 
a dreath 248,23; And dew my merry maidens all adout 430,38; 
dlow with dreath 420,40; droadly, dlowing 3,3; dlown by the 
Häftling winds 134,48; flown by the breeze 289,25; While thou 
adodest in the dud 33,2 , dore, dack 495,9 f.; dasely dorn 542,15 ; 
born about the ba.y 479,12; dorn of the drain 303,10; dackward 
dorne 46,34; Zforne in the dark’s-dosom, 535,23; my name was 
dorne upon my dreath. 483,12 h; dounded in a shallower drain 
102,8; Arake with a dlast of trumpets from the gate, 166,10; 
a droad drook o’er a shingly ded drawling 344,59 f. ; dind, in 
donds 46,69 f.; A million emeralds dreak from the ruby-dudded 
lime 289,2^; dreaking on the deach 265,24; On the dold Street 
dreaks the dlack day. 249,44; So that the brüte bullet droke thro’ 
the drain 519,30; dreathe, along that dreaker-deaten coast 125,50h; 
That dreathed beneath the Syrian dlue: 260,68; not deing dred 
to darter 128,62 h; dring, dack 5,9, 499,1g; God will dring them 
adout 290,26; Zfrings the Dreams about my ded 630,49; drought, 
dack 256,4, 169,61 ; Over the droad dillow Aroke into Aritain

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