Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

3- Adverbia. 
amorously, angerly 9,37 h; Half mwardly, half aadibly she 
spoke 342,65; in and out 421,32, 297,3g, 17 1,22; mward, aatward 
478,60 f., 487,31, 566,12; vr'Uhm, wi6$out 34,67,36,67,295,41, 
541,51 ; Home that she but held aff to draw him an; 132,28; 
Chanted /oudly, chanted /owly, 29,67 ; jwift or dow 256,58. 
4. Verba. 
answer, ask 178,38; So Love and Honoury'arr’d Tho Love 
and Honour ybin’d 512,12h; /lame or /ade 308,1; /ollowing 
np and /lying the white breaker 125,20h; for every moment 
^■/anced His silver arms and ^/oom’d 426,48 h; I that /oathed, 
have come to /ove him, 568,8 ; Now /ooming and now /ost 315,57; 
/acing tili she /aused 177,52 ; Some will /ass and some will /ause 
630,8; Let his eye rove in following, or rest 347,23; he links 
or iwells 92,26h; .S’teel me with patience! soften me with grief! 
5. Substantiv und Adjektiv. 
Frail, but of /orce to withstand 302,62. 
f. Substantiv und Adjektiv (bezw. Particip) in 
attributiver oder prädikativer Verbindung. 
Aged eyes 566,30; alien eyes 93,31; all-puissant arms 
342,42; all the avenues 486,5; all its ears 173,3; High 
over all the azure-circled aarth, 482,245 all the measurless *11. 291,2 ; 
all his *115419,44; all the Order 316,35; all the aatworks 7,12; 
amber zwes 477,10; ample aamings 173,39; ancient Evergreen 
136,22; ancient mfluence 175,50; angry ayes 42,55; Anh arch 
296,36; argent-lidded eyes 11,36; ^frms, ald 348,37 ; awful ades 
171,31; axelike adge 176,20; tarnest eye 42,8; aarthen arn 12,36; 
rastern end 422,53; thorough-adged mtellect 7,2; aloquent eyes 
491,29; andless age 265,64; avi! ear 294,12; avery albow 12,37; 
avery eye 255,38, 300,34; eyes, mnocent 425,13; inner eye 12,24; 
inner mipulse 31,20; mward agony 2,7 ; More to the mward than 
the az/tward far, 487,31; mward avidence 34,44; Maud’s own 
litte aak room 295,58; acean-smelling asier 1 26,37 i dd age 481,49; 
the ald dark ages 564,9; ald aarth 3,37; ald aak 91,38; ald 
arder 317,16; arient zvory 165,37; ather annals 135,55; ather

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