c) Bindung abstrakter Begriffe mit concreten.
In one great «nnal-book where «fter-years Will learn 311,39 ;
From noiseful «rms, and acts of prowess done 418,5 1 ; Isthere evi\ but
on «?rth ? 565,33 ; And flowingtfdourof the spacious ah, 483,47 ; Tal!
grient shrubs, and obelisks 11,8 ; The/abes, their babble, 134,26 ; To
give his /abes a better /ringing-up 129,45 ; Pray ’d for a Messing on his
wife and /abes 128,2 ; My babe in /liss 138,59 ; the Banner of Sattle
307,32; ‘He knows a /aseness in his /lood 34,61; One /loom
of youth, health, Beauty, happiness, 5 11,24 ; the /ugle’s /rays 18,20;
Z>eath waits at the t/oor. 3,17; 301,53 ; the Zust of Zeath 298,4;
Fell into Zust, and crumbled in the dark — 477,51; Ziamond-
plots of dark and bright. 10,79 f.; theyewels of many ^enerations
of his house 498,21t'.; The clear pei/ection of her/ace. 30,32;
His /ather’s /ault 170,9; the /ather of your /ortune 509,50;
/ight, /ield of death 311,12b; in /ight against the /oe 561,25;
Echoing all night to that sonorous //ow Of spouted /ountain-/oods.
45,11 f.; the central/ountain’s /low 10,44; O /lourish, hidden
deep in fern, 91,37; There’s not a /lower on all the hills : the
/rost is on the pane: 51,17; To stay his /eet from /alling,
478,37 ; Old /ootsteps trod the upper /loors, 8,27; And Life, a
Zbry slinging /lame. 260,32 ; And all the silvery ^ossamers
That twinkle into ^reen and ,^old: 250,39 b; the happiness of
the bearth 136,57; Thro’ cells of madness, /zaunts of Horror and
fear, 306,45 ; And bites it for true heart and not for harm,
168,18; the home of my he art 482,64; the he art of Ho pe
477,50; And full at heart of trembling ho^e, 38,2; Talk of lost
/fopes and broken he art! 496,31 ; Bearing his lifelong /mnger in
his he art. 126,22; He at like the mouth of a ^ell 520,45; hate
of he\\ 44,22 ; His -ßorns for /^unting 343,35; a rastle in deray
344,56; their roming to the «Hirt 343,26; An universal rulture
for the rrowd, 167,14 ; A present a great /abour of the Zoom;
169,62 ; a /and of /ove 481,25 ; When from crimson-threaded /ips
Silver-treble /aughter trilleth; 6,46 f.; Would breathing thro’ his
/ips impart the /ife that almost dies in me; 252,35b; Like/ight
in many a shiver’d /ance 260,11 ; Now the /ight which was their
/ife 491,48!.; the /ight of Zife 484,5 b; /ife and /imbs 498,6;
a phi/osopher’s /ife 290,31 ; Zord of his rights and of his children’s
/ove, — 136,51 ; And all the waiden empire of her wind, 485,33 ;