Full text: Die Alliteration bei Tennyson

</ay 99,ii, 133,28, 317,5, 341,29, 342,21; from day to day 
134,11, 262,30; the de ad by the de ad 544,1; Z)eep und dee p 
619,11; from a »dstance beyond »dstance 420,38; from doox to 
</oor; drop by drop 262,27, 485,20; /riist to //ust 564,21; /ace 
to face 432,61, 480,18, 636,65; /ield after /ield 315,55; -Z7ash 
upon fash 477,9; From fowex to flowex 253,32 ;/old upon /old 
2gx,37 ; front to front 302,13; good for good 562,15; from 
grade to grade 33,18; grain by gram 349,17; from grave to 
^/-ave 34,34; jvear after jeax 134,44; /ear by jrear 89,35, 92,67 ; 
year upon jear 302,63; jrell upon pell 519,44; //and in //and 
2 55.35> 349, 2 7> 494,44, 126,12, 166,48, 513,51; from /and to 
Zand 92,14; heart on 7/eart 251,2; heart to heart 38,52; from 
heat to heat 30,39, 30.78; Zfeaven over 7/eaven 31,6, 629,12; 
from Heaven to Heaven 484,20, 628,27 ; from Zill to /rill 254,63 ; 
from Zorne to Zorne 629,66; »ataract after »ataract 40,14; From 
r/oud to r/oud 480,61; from roast to roast 264,26; From rolumn 
on to rolümn 496,44; Zeel to Zeel 477,2; Ziss for Ziss 91,31; 
the /aw within the /aw 32,69; /ife in /ife 39,19; from /ight to 
/ight 484,20; from /«an to man 247,51; from ///arge to /«arge 
259,39, 259,48; from May to May 253,36; /«ind with //rind 
612,15; from /«ore to /«ore 247,41; «/outh to /«outh 33,11, 
168,35; Z/right by Z/right 423,22; «ight in «ight 10,31; peai on 
peal 492,48; /iece by /iece; from /ine to /ine 40,9; from /oint 
to /oint 101,28; /raise to //'aise 255,64; Roax upon roar 520,18; 
a rock up a rock 431,41; roof by roof 422,30; from room to. 
room 45,40; ivale with wale 174,14; mywelf from myj-elf 292,30; 
myrelf in myyelf 288,28; frde by ride 15,66, 27,47, 165,30, 
310,24; from dde to dde 29,36; from .fZirt to skirt 170,18; 
from sky to sky 12,79, 476,5 ; from snow to snow 253,32; sphere 
in sphe re 165,37. .r/ire beyond sp\ re 422,31; spring after spring 
419,7; from 5/ate to .c/ate 35,27, 267,62; j/ep by siep 564,1; 
from itt<oon to «e/oon 39,75; syllable by .syllable 485,19; .rZock 
upon j'Zock 569,43,: from /emple unto /emple 492,34; from rime 
to rime 169,14, 309,8; /ower after /ower 422,31; tree to tree 
613,40; //uth for /ruth 562,15; thro and thro 2,46, 6,33, 8,61, 
41,36, 44,29, 260,52; from /Zought to /Zought 490,1; from »eil 
to »eil 255,52; from »erge to »erge 481,30; »olley on »olley 
519,44; »ow for »ow 38,11; »ne by »ne 103,1, 171,1; from

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